In the Beginning

When I initially started Fade2Bold, I intended to share my journey as a believer in Christ and help others gain the Biblical knowledge they need to walk in their callings. I wanted to let you see how Christ can transform a life through the power of Holy Spirit. But as time progressed, blogging techniques, conferences, books, losses, health, and life started to take over. My heart behind Fade2Bold hasn't changed, but the execution did. God intervened in all His grace and snapped me back to reality. Oh, my #bold friends, I will be honest with you: the process of that change has been painful but worth it.
During this recent revelation, Holy Spirit reminded me why God gave me the gift of scribing in the first place, the life stories, testimonies, and teachings I should be sharing with you, and why. He took me back to the beginning, and in God-like fashion, not in a convenient way. You can read more about that here.
The Meaning Behind the Fade2Bold and Building Bold Believers
The Lord gave me the name of Fade2bold months before I launched out. I distinctly remembered writing other potential names and none of them gave me an 'Aha' moment. Fade2Bold, as a name, is unusual yet embodies everything it was meant to. It was different, even to me, and as I embraced it, the Lord slowly began to reveal the meaning behind the name. The tagline of our community is "Building bold believers in Biblical truth." You might be asking yourself what that means exactly. Allow me to explain by sharing a couple of Scriptures.
"11 This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him." - Ephesians 3:11-12 NASB1995
1. Boldness through Faith in Christ: This passage highlights that through Jesus Christ, we have both boldness and confident access to God. This boldness isn't based on what we can do in our human abilities, but it is based on our relationship with Jesus. The name Fade2Bold encapsulates this concept in the following ways:
Fade is the believers' genuine desire to mature beyond the constraints of fear, insecurities, and spiritual timidity.
2 symbolizes the shift from doubt to confidence in our spiritual identity and calling in Jesus Christ.
Bold signifies the spiritual, biblical boldness believers are called to exemplify—living out faith with assurance and power rooted in God's Word.
2. Building Bold Believers in Biblical Truth: The boldness and assured accessibility referred to in this passage derive from belief in the Messiah and the (formerly) hidden eternal truth of God's purpose that is now made known (at least to us) through His Word. Our tagline coincides with the Apostle Paul's message in this particular verse.
Fade2Bold emphasizes building bold believers, not because of their self-confidence but because they are anchored in the sound truths of Scripture. This verse shows that boldness comes from our faith in Jesus, and our community's mission is to build up believers to know and live out this truth.
3. God's Eternal Purpose and the Believer's role in that plan: Verse 11 highlights God's eternal purpose which was fulfilled by Christ. This means God has a divine plan, and as believers, we are carefully woven into His blueprint. Fade2Bold was created to help believers identify and live out their role in God's master, timeless plan.
4. Boldness with Humility and Purpose: Paul's teaching on boldness in Ephesians is not about vanity, egotism, or pride; it's about humble confidence in God's promises and what He says about us. Fade2Bold promotes this kind of boldness—one marked by humility, grounded in faith, and motivated by love for God. It's about boldness in sharing the Gospel, standing firm in one's faith, and living a life that points others to Christ.
"9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 NASB1995
1. A Command to Be Strong and Courageous: God gives Joshua a direct command to be strong and courageous as he prepares to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, a task requiring tremendous faith and bravery. This was a command, not a word of encouragement. This directive set a standard, an expectation, that Joshua would rely on God's divine strength to face challenges.
Fade2Bold's goal is to instill this same boldness in believers today. We are calling members of our community to rise up in strength and courage, much like God called Joshua. The tagline "Building bold believers in Biblical truth" emphasizes that boldness comes from trusting God's Word, just as Joshua's boldness came from trusting God's promises.
2. Do Not Tremble or Be Dismayed: God commands Joshua to not be afraid or dismayed, fully aware of the challenges he would face. Fear can paralyze believers, keeping them from living out their faith. Biblical truth is the weapon that defeats fear. The Bible says that we have not been given a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Therefore, if God didn't give us a spirit of fear, fear has no power to hinder us. This declaration resonates with Fade2Bold's purpose of empowering believers to conquer fear and doubt through embracing the Word of God. Confidence in our faith is built on the assurance that God is ever-present, regardless of the trials we may face on our journey.
3. The Lord Your God Is with You Wherever You Go: The key to Joshua's boldness wasn't his own abilities but the assurance of God's presence. God promised to be with Joshua in every battle and every situation he entered. This is the same confidence I desire to build in the members of Fade2Bold—the knowledge that God is always with you and the knowledge that you can trust what He says about you. Whether it's spiritual battles, workplace challenges, or personal struggles, you are never alone.
Together, these scriptures form a powerful foundation for Fade2Bold's mission: to build bold believers, not because of their strength but because they are anchored in the truth of God's Word, confident about what He says about them, and assured of His presence with them.
What does it mean to be Biblically Bold?
Being biblically bold means to act with courage, confidence, and faith in God, rooted in Scripture. This type of boldness is not about being loud or aggressive but about trusting God so fully that you are willing to step out in faith, even when it seems risky or scary, because you believe He is with you.
The Christ Factor
Being bold is not a quality we can summon by ourselves; it is a spiritual empowerment that comes from our relationship with Jesus. It is through Him that we are able to approach God with assurance. We have "confident access" to Go through Jesus, the only entry point to him (John 14:6). I pray Fade2Bold serves as a city on a hill for believers who are prepared to adopt this type of boldness-- one which is founded on humility, faith, a relationship with Jesus, and a profound comprehension of God's Word.
The Call to the Church
Today, God is calling the modern-day church to resist fear and live with unapologetic boldness, standing firm in the truth of the Gospel in a world that often opposes it. In this age, societal pressures, criticisms, and challenges against Biblical principles are ever-growing. The church is cited to reflect the courage and faith of early believers as commanded by God. As we continue to build a community of bold believers, the Holy Spirit will guide us all into a more profound knowledge of our calling in Christ. Let's journey together, shall we?
In His Love & Boldness,
❤️ Teacher Nina