About Us
Fade2Bold is a community created to GALVANIZE believers in the Body of Christ to walk in Holy boldness. We possess a passion to build bold believers in biblical truth.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build bold believers in biblical truth. By doing so we equip people to wield the sword of the spirit of truth against the forces that attempt to keep them from walking boldly in their calling with Christ.
Grow Deeper
Our key initiatives include Bible Studies, Workshops, On Demand Courses, and Conferences.
We are a community of believers who believe in doing life together.

Our Core Goals
Be examples of our beliefs by glorifying God in all we do.
Carry out Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
Create biblically based online resources and content that:
Proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
Helps others understand the Bible and how to apply it to their lives,
Helps others grow in godly wisdom, discernment and Holy boldness, and
Point people back to God, His word and truth in their day-to-day lives.
We believe...
In one Almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and...
The Son, Jesus Christ is the light of the World, begotten of the Father, not made. Through Him, all things were made. He came down from heaven as fully God and fully man.
Likewise, we believe Jesus is the Messiah who came to save sinners, offering Himself as a sacrifice for all who put their faith in Him. Though He did not sin, He was crucified on the cross at calvary to take on the wrath of God, for the sins of mankind. He was beaten. He was bruised. He suffered, he died, was buried, and rose from the dead for our justification.
When He rose He conquered sin, death and hell once and for all. He also ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for us.
He will return again with glory to judge the living and the dead. By grace, through faith in Christ alone we are given the gift of salvation and declared righteous in His sight. As a result, we are made children of God.
When we put our faith in Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit, Who opens our eyes to truth, enables us to understand Scripture and walk according to the ways of God.
The Bible is the complete written word of God. That is to say, it is His divine revelation. Consequently, it is without error, carrying the full weight of His authority.
How did you come up with the name Fade2Bold?Great question! Fade2Bold was founded in October 2021 after overcoming fear of rejection, fear of abandonment and intimidation in my own walk. I have this burden to encourage others in the Body of Christ to walk with holy boldness in their calling.
What do the colors in your brand mean?Red = Blood of Jesus Black = Beauty for Ashes White = New Garments Yellow = The Refiner's Fire
Is Fade2Bold a Ministry?Yes and no. Fade2Bold is a community of people committed to helping each other walk BOLDLY on their journey through Christ-Centered friendships, mentorship, and discipleship.
Is there an age range limit for Fade2bold Community Members?There is no age range. We welcome all ages to join us. We are high-energy, we use technology, and we are non-traditional in many aspects. The founder is an 80s baby so hopefully there's a good blend of old and new school within the community and interactions.
Is Fade2Bold only for women?No. Fade2Bold is a non-biased, non-gender specific community. We welcome, acknowledge and appreciate our brothers in the Body of Christ.
Do you accept submissions for guest writers for posts on your site?We love hearing other believers are using their gift of writing for the glory of God. Review our Fade2Bold Submissions Guidelines for our requirements and submission information.
What book should I read to grow in Bible Study?The Bible (of course)! The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. These are four different accounts of the time Jesus walked the Earth. These include amazing stories, truths about God’s character, and instructions directly from Jesus! Do you prefer poetry? Great! Begin with a Psalm or Proverb a day. Need an easy read? Check out the book of Ruth. It’s only a four chapter book and it’s an easy to follow story to get started with!
Can I interview you for my podcast, blog, magazine, website, etc?We love connecting with new audiences and we're passionate about building believers in the faith with biblical truth! Just send a message, here. Your request will be reviewed, and time-permitting, we would love to explore an opportunity to collaborate with you.
What's your philosophy on discerning what articles you post on your site? How do you decide?It’s vital to ensure information is delivered and received within the proper context. While we acknowledge that everyone is mid-journey in the process of sanctification; we stumble, we learn, we repent, we recover and we grow daily we strive for sound theology in all shared content. The snippets of life shared are meant to encourage and challenge members of the Fade2Bold community as we run this race with our eyes affixed on the prize of Jesus Christ. Our highest priority is to share the gospel truthfully and clearly. We do our due diligence in thoroughly evaluating guests and content shared based on what is substantiated by the word of God. Our hope is that even if you don’t personally agree with every detail, you'll find the overarching theme of the content produced at Fade2Bold to be truthful and sound. It is an honor to walk beside each of you, as you are strengthened in the unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ, and we pray you find the perspectives shared to be beneficial in your walk with the Lord.
When it comes to content, why don't you speak out about ____ topic?If you’ve clicked around the site, you have seen the tagline, ”Building BOLD Believers with biblical truth" which is exactly what Fade2Bold is about. While the gospel has considerations for current events, lifestyle choices, politics, social justice, etc. the focus isn’t a specific area of culture or the news of the week. Instead, the focus is to reach believers in the Body of Christ globally with the timeless, transcultural, biblical principles, rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ. It might help to know the founder is a black woman who happens to also be a mother in the United States, working a full-time 9-5 job. Like many of you, her child is in the teenager/young adult stage. She's not a medical doctor, licensed therapist, or seminary-trained Bible teacher. While social media categorizes her as a "blogger", "author" or "minister" she's still a regular person -- a limited, fallible image-bearer who follows the only wise, all-knowing, one true God. It is an honor to reach men, women, and teens all over and each person is living in different cultures and faced with various challenges. Each piece of content is created, curated, or edited with these realities in mind and at the influence and leading of Holy Spirit.
I'd like to donate to Fade2Bold--is there a place I can do that?Yes! Keeping Fade2Bold online does require resources. Website and domain hosting, developmemt of content for the blog and connecting with believers flobally requires fees. Please visit the GIVE page to make a contribution. Thank you for partnering with us!
Do you accept sponsorships or giveaways?Yes. Partnership opportunities are available. If you have a product or resource you'd like to submit for consideration, please visit the partnership page. We carefully review any resources shared with our community.
I have a Bible Study/Book/Devotional I'd like to submit for your endorsement, is there a process in place for that?Congratulations on accomplishing a huge milestone. Please submit your recommendation to The Bookshelf. Every book currently endorsed is listed because the Fade2Bold founder, team member or community member has personally read and evaluated each of them. Books take longer to vet but we will get back to you as soon as we can for follow up.
I have a Bible Study topic! Can I submit that to you?We'd love to hear about new topics. Before sending your topic we ask that checkout our BOLD Bible Study teachings and blog to see if it's already been covered. If it's not listed send it our way here.
Do you have an official Facebook Group for follow-up discussion about Bible Study teachings?Yes, we have an official Fade2Bold Facebook Group which you can join here.
What's your social media philosophy?Because social media is the primary way we interact with our community, we are committed to engaging on social media platforms in a Christlike manner. To that end, we have a social media engagement policy to provide guidance, standards, and expectations for our team and online communities. You can read it in full here. In all of our content and interactions on social media, we want God to be glorified (1 Cor. 10:31, Matt. 5:16), truth to be shared (Jn. 17:17, 2 Tim. 2:15), and for believers to feel welcomed in Christ (Gal. 5:14, Rom. 15:7). Fade2Bold is committed to creating spaces that are compassionate, humble, and truthful, and peaceful. While it rarely comes to it, if users post or engage with content in ways that violate our policy, we reserve the right to remove a comment, block a user, and/or report a user.
I would like to use the name Fade2Bold in the name of a group. Can I use the name and just give you credit?That is so exciting that you're going to start a group! We love hearing how God is working in the lives of all members of the Body of Christ and giving them hope through the gospel. Because our name and logo are trademarked, our policy prohibits us from allowing other groups or ministries to use our name or logo. We ask that you not use our intellectual property for your group but thank you so much for checking!
We've been there.
Community is vital in Christianity. This is not an optional part of our walk. When we are in close relationships with other believers, we have people to pray for us, support us, encourage us, exhort us and serve alongside us (Hebrews 10:25).
#LetsGrowDeeper, TOGETHER.
Amazing things happen when people come into agreement. It's a principle directly from God's Word. At Fade2Bold we are dedicated to praying in unity with people, just like you, who desire to see the Holy Spirit's miracle-working power unleashed. Through Jesus Christ it is our prayer right now that you see God's supernatural power at work in your life and in the lives of those connected to you. Complete the form below and we will join with you and intercede for your specific need.
**Please note your prayer requests will be kept confidential and will only be seen by the Fade2Bold Prayer team.**